1. Keeping your cell phone charged, and keeping a car charger available in your jockey box, is a great way to ensure that you will be able to get help in case of an emergency. This will also help you if you are running late, or have to stop overnight. When you can communicate, you and your friends will be able to stay comfortable and worry free!
2. A 72-hour kit is a great tool to keep on hand for winter trips. Keep yours stocked with water, flashlights, snacks, a first aid kit, and blankets. This will keep you and your travel buddies safe and warm, even if something unexpected were to happen. The snacks will also help if you are stuck on a long stretch of road without a convenience store nearby.
3. If your car has rear wheel drive, it is a good idea to keep a bag of sand in the back. That way you can put a little under your tires for traction if you get stuck on the ice!
As you travel this winter, remember to drive safely and have fun! Make the most of your winter travel this year!
Photo credit: http://dlcruisingaltitude.blogspot.com/